Marketing measurements for more businesses, in under a minute

Digivizer has always been about making best-in-class marketing technology affordable, accessible, and easy to use by everyone, and every business.

Now we’ve gone a step further. This week Digivizer announces our Digivizer Free plan.  This will give more businesses, creators and executives access to digital marketing performance insights, without delay, without cost, and without any requirement to add resources to the organization.

Businesses are spending more than ever to get better pictures of the investment and returns in their digital marketing. Christine MoormanJana Soli and Dennis Cardoso point out in the Harvard Business Review article, that 57% of CMOs’ budgets is digital marketing activities, and an increase in budgets of 16% is expected in 2023. 

That means there is also a need to increase the performance ROI of that investment. CMOs and their CEOs increasingly demand it.  They are looking to build greater data-driven capability in their team, and that requires easy measurements.

Removing hurdles, adding value with data

The first step is to open up more access, to more marketers, to their performance insights, in ways that give them the knowledge and an understanding of the levers available to them to act with confidence.

Digivizer Free is designed to give individual content creators, startups and smaller businesses the opportunity to connect their social, paid and web accounts to the Digivizer platform, for as long as they like, and – at once – start exploring how to get more ROI, improve  performance, grow sales and leads, and increase and improve ROI. 

Users can connect any combination of any four accounts they may have – whether organic or paid channels – from Facebook, Instagram, Google, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Microsoft Ads and Amazon Advertising.  They also see all mentions of the brand in Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and the hashtag they are tracking.   

Having spoken with many small business owners, we know that the cost of acquiring customers is the biggest challenge they have. They want to know that the investment in time and dollars spent on digital marketing content, website and advertising is worthwhile. They want to understand how to monetize their young businesses.

And without data or insights, easily obtained, without cost, they fly blind, seeking to break through while wearing a blindfold. 

Digivizer Free removes the blindfold of those looking to build a brand, those looking to start earning from their content, and those businesses who are at their very early stages.  

For larger teams, it is easy to gain a strong ROI on digital marketing performance insights, based on  spending larger sums on content and paid media. Those earlier in their careers, whether in-house, as a start-up founder, or as a consultant or individual creator, have by contrast been locked out.  

Insights, particularly at the test-and-learn stages, for businesses and creators, are critical. They need to know which of their content and output resonates with their customers and prospects. 

The Digivizer Free provides everything “out of the box” – 30 days of insights once the selected accounts are connected, in under a minute, with no special skills or training needed. And for smaller companies or businesses, as they grow, they can upgrade to other Digivizer plans in a few clicks, adding channels, sharing brand spaces, or adding users.

Where to next?

In a way, this is what digital marketing is all about: where to take a brand, where to take a product, how best to engage an audience, how best to form relationships with customers, where to spend budget to best effect.

With the blindfolds gone, the marketing dizziness stops. The uncertainty is replaced by data-led inputs that help define the next step. When they can see the marketing levers, and the direction these levers will take them, markets have more options.

But a new sense of purpose also prevails. Knowing that you know where to go, with choices and data that support decisions and options, makes a difference to the strategic thinking that underpins great marketing, and great marketing results.

Details of the Digivizer Free plan, and how it compares with our other plans can be found on the Digivizer website.